Graph paper is commonly used by students for mathematical and engineering purposes. Here you can find out different graphing paper templates available for free download. Along with the useful templates, you can learn a lot of interesting information about graph papers. If you are a student or interested in learning and using graph papers then do read the information here and download a graph paper for your use. Understand graph paper dimensions, graph paper measurements, graph paper sizes, and types.
Important Links:
- Graph paper chart
- Graph Paper Printable
- Graph Paper PDF
- Isometric Graph Paper
- Graph Paper Word
- Triangle Graph Paper
- Numbered Graph Paper
- Polar Coordinate Graph Paper
- Images of Graph Paper
- Graph Paper Online
- A4 Graph Paper Size
- Hexagonal Graph Paper
- Crochet Graph Paper
- Centimeter Graph Paper
- Semi Log Graph Paper
- Large Graph Paper
- Blank Graph Paper
What is Graph Paper?
Graph paper is a paper with small squares of equal size printed on it, used for drawing graphs and other diagrams. You can check out the templates here to see how an actual graph paper looks like.
Graph paper is also known as coordinate paper, grid paper, or squared paper. This is a writing paper that is printed with fine lines making up a regular grid. These lines are commonly used to plot graphs of functions and draw curves. You can find graph papers in mathematics. If you are a Maths student or doing engineering education then you must have come across graph paper. You can find graph paper as loose-leaf paper or bound in notebooks.
How to Use Graph Paper?
- Graph paper is a really affordable tool that can be used in multiple ways. So I set forth to think of some activities that can be used at home.
- There are a lot of learning activities that can be done with a graphing paper. Graphing paper is commonly used by students. You can draw different lines, different shapes, structures, etc with the help of a simple free graphing paper.
- Parents can use graphing paper to make their child teach how to draw a line or how to make different shapes be it a square, rectangle, triangle, box, patterns, etc.
- Cutting exercises can be performed on graph paper. For example, you can make a square or rectangle, color it, and then cut the shape. A graph paper can be further used to make a puzzle and let your child solve the same. Kids love puzzles, solving puzzles is a great exercise for the brain.
- Kids can learn the concept of symmetry with graphing paper. It is also possible to learn multiplication, addition, and subtraction with the help of graph paper.
- Architects and designers can use graph paper to make a floor plan and understand the area & perimeter.
What are the types of Graphing Paper?
There are different types of graphing papers, some of them are shared below along with a preview or image of the graph paper.
Centimetre Graph Paper
A centimeter graph paper is commonly used by kids in school when learning math concepts like calculus or geometry. It’s also used for line plotting, charting, or even design. All in all this 1 cm graph paper is essential for all grades

Graph Paper Size 5 MM
This is a standard Cartesian system graphing paper. There are horizontal and vertical lines 5mm apart. Graph paper is often used in engineering, it’s common to see engineering graph paper printed on light green paper.
10 Squares Per Inch Graph Paper
This graph paper was designed for Letter size paper in the portrait orientation. The ‘letter’ paper size is the most common size paper used in the U.S. It’s 8.5 inches wide by 11 inches tall. It’s close in size to the A4 size paper but not quite.
1/4 Inches Graph Paper
This 1/4 inch graph paper depicts a series of smaller squares that form a grid colored in light blue. It’s commonly used by high school kids when learning mathematics.
1/2 Half Inch Graph Paper
Having a 1/2 inch graph paper available to be used at all times can be challenging. This template that features half-inch squares is mostly used in the U.S. It can be printed out and used as a great alternative to other graph papers.
1 One Inch Graph Paper Size
Get this printable graph paper with 1-inch squares which can be used at school or at home, for learning or hobbies. Thanks to its large squares this one-inch grid paper template is great for math, drawing, or making game maps.
Engineering Graph Paper
The difference between graph paper and engineering paper is that engineering paper is blank (but see through) on one side
Dot Paper
This printable dot paper features patterns of dots at various intervals. Variations include the number of dots per inch.
Isometric Graph Paper
Coordinate Graph Paper
Graph Paper Measurement & Sizes
If you are wondering How big is a sheet of graph paper? then please note that the grids printed on centimeter graph paper are 1cm x 1cm and the extent of the sheet is 8.5 inches in width and 11 inches in length. It is the most commonly used graph paper by the student.
We have covered the graph paper sizes & measurements above for different types of graphing papers. Do check out the templates above to get familiar with graph paper types.
How to download free digital graph paper?
As you can different types of graph papers are shared here. We have tried to cover all the major types of graph papers and provide a download link along with them. You can choose to download any graph paper of your choice from here in a pdf format.
You can easily take a print-out once you have a graph paper downloaded to your device.
Editable & downloadable Graph Paper
Below you can check out the editable & downloaded graph paper. Download a Word or .doc format of graph paper if you want to edit or make changes to a graph paper. Check out the template below, download it, and open in word processing software and start using it.
Graph Paper sheet Examples
Download Editable Graph Paper Sheet Example
Graph Paper sheet Examples
Where to Buy Graph Paper Notebook?
If you are looking to buy Graph Paper Notebook then follow the link shared below.
Affiliate Link >>>>> buy Graph Paper Notebook
Now you have different types of graph papers covered here. You can choose to download any paper from here that is suitable for your use. Browse this site to find out other useful graphing papers. If you are looking to print a graph paper then firstly you need to download it and then take a print-out easily. We have covered the free downloadable graph paper here for our users.